This movie had well known actors such as Casey Affleck, Kate Hudson, and Jessica Alba. Casey Affleck’s character, Lou Ford is a small town deputy sheriff who finds himself involved in a rape and murder investigation of Jessica Alba’s charter, prostitute Joyce Lakeland. Views will be surprised at the twist the plot takes, not only at the end but when throughout the entire thing. You will be shocked to see who the killer is and how easy killing comes to them.
This is one of those movies that I don’t to tell too much about because I am fearful that it will ruin the suspense of the plot.
This movie came as a complete surprise to me. I had not heard anything about it until we went to rent a movie one night. It was one of those movies we just picked up because there was nothing to else to watch and I really like Kate Hudson and Jessica Alba. It was surprisingly good and I would strongly recommend it anyone who likes suspense/drama films.
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