This is a considered a horror thriller film that stars Renee Zellweger. Zellweger’s character (Emily Jenkins) is a social worker. She is assigned the case of a little girl whose parents are allegedly trying to harm her. Emily feels so bad for the girl and has an immediate connection to her, so she positions to be the girl’s foster parent until a proper family is found for her.
The little girl is played by Jodelle Ferland, who has been in a number of films including; The Collector (2004), Carrie (2002) and she was in the 2010 Twilight movie, Eclipse. I am always impressed with young actors that steal the show. Jodelle played this charater very well. It is easy to like her and think she is the great child in a bad situation.
Case 39 may be one of my top 3 horror/suspense/thriller films of all times. It had a great plot with one huge shocker, which I won’t revile or it will ruin it for you. If you are looking for a Saw type movie, this is not the one for you. However if you like movies like Orphan (another favorite of mine), with a twist but a little bit of the “what the heck” factor , then this is a perfect movie for you.
I highly recommend this movie. Like I mentioned before it is a top 3 all time in the horror/suspense/thriller genre and it would make my top 10 for movies I watched in 2010.
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